Thursday, February 26, 2009

Drug Laws Make No Sense At All

So I had to right an essay about freedom today, it was boring, motivational, yadda yadda....

Then I started to think about what the term freedom meant, I decided it was, to do something in according to one's will, values, morals. So then I thought what restricts that. I thought at first about what Jean-Jacques Roasseau has said about people restricting people, and how indirectly every action we make, is in some way (whether voluntarily or involunarily) influenced by societies current accepted norms and other relativistic values. (That was a long ass run-on sentence lol)

But then I realized who else was the perpetrator...the government. Well, the government takes away so many of our rights, it wouldn't be funny or necessary to count them all here...but I thought about drug laws for a second.

Why does the government outlaw drugs? There are many conspiracies that I could suggest, but the prevailing opinion, to me, was that drugs are outlawed because they are bad for you.

So because you do something that's bad for you, you get sent to jail. WTF? Seriously think about it...

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