Saturday, February 7, 2009

Yanqui U.X.O.


  1. Lol what is this?

    btw dude can you look at my new article and tell me if i did a good job:

  2. Sure I'll go check it out now.

    Oh and about the chart, it's found in the linear notes of Godspeed You! Black Emperor's album "Yanqui UXO". I found it quite interesting...

    Here's what it means - "Yanqui" is the Spanish word for "Yankee."[3] The liner notes also refer to "Yanqui" as a "multinational corporate oligarchy", while "U.X.O." stands for unexploded ordnance.[4][5] The packaging of the album contains an extensive chart which demonstrats the links between four major record labels—AOL Time-Warner, BMG, Sony, Vivendi Universal—and various arms manufacturers.[6] This chart accompanied a photograph of falling bombs.

  3. Yanqui Uxo sounds like something in Chinese. What is Godspeed You?

  4. Godspeed You! Black Emperor is modern classical/orchestral rock/post-rock band.
