Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Propaganda Model
Today, now more than ever, the Mass Media has taken control over public and social life. With our industrialized economy and consumer culture, we live in a 'media saturated' world, bombarded with advertising messages, multi-channel TV networks, and streets littered with newspapers and billboards. Popular culture, social order, and our political systems are governed and shaped by the codes and signs produced by the media, as it is starting to blur our sense of reality.
In our modern world though, mainstream media outlets are large corporations or conglomerates - actually the majority of all media (movies, songs, shows, news outlets) are controlled by the same twenty-nine companies. What you see, hear, and read is now in the hands of a well-funded elite. This, politically, creates a system similar to that of which - Edward Herman, and Noam Chomsky predicted in their propaganda model. The only solution to this is to create a media system that's in the hands of the people, a competitive, independent, public broadcasting outlet.
To start off, let me explain how the propaganda model works. First off, since all major media outlets in the US are owned or conglomerates with large corporations, then their news and information that is spread will be biased with respect to those interests. An example, the yellow journalism that led to the Spanish-American war. While working for American newspaper magnate William Hearst, artist Frederic Remington telegrammed him, saying that him staying in Cuba was pointless, as all was quiet and "There will be no war." Hearst responded with "Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."
Between the years 1965 to 1967, International Telephone and Telegraph's attempted takeover of ABC was met with public outcry, and controversy. ITT was a large, multinational corporation with "extensive foreign investments and business activities" - Noam Chomsky. The thought of them controlling a large media outlet was incomprehensible, as they would be given the power to "compromise the independence of ABC's news coverage in countries where it has interests." - John Pilger.
GE's takeover of ABC resulted in far less public outcry, but it is far more concerning. GE is considerably more powerful than ITT, with stakes in everywhere from the weapons industry to nuclear power business. With ABC's new structural relationship to GE it's inconceivable that they will remain neutral or unbiased on affairs that relate to GE's interests.
An article published by the International Committee of the Fourth International in 2003 they claimed that "the blame for the super-patriotic tone of the war coverage" was "largely on the media empire of billionaire Rupert Murdoch". Ironically, under Murdoch's control are many defense contractors and weapons producers. One such is Raytheon Industries. Raytheon Industries is the fourth largest defense contractor in America, and is owned by Hughes Electronics, which is in turn owned by News Broadcasting/Fox Broadcasting.
As these examples suggest, profit oriented businesses shape and cultivate news stories to match their interests. And the mutual symbiotic relationships that are formed between multinational corporations and news outlets help to make sure the governments political activities benefit the rich and elite at the expense of the working class.
Another factor in what news stories are shown by media outlets is the advertising public. Sir George Lewis noted that laissez-faire capitalism in the media would promote news outlets that enjoyed "the preference of the advertising public". This method of self-censorship works as I means of controlling public opinion, as only news that benefits large corporations is released to the public, whilst news stories that aren't end up being buried or spiked. In 1985 Public Station WNET lost their corporate funding from Gulf and Western after it showed the documentary "Hungry for Profit", a movie that "contains material critical of multinational corporations in the Third World". - (Noam Chomsky) Gulf and Western's official response to the movie was that it was "Anti-American", and that airing it was not the behavior "of a friend" to the company. After this "mishap", the London Economist wrote that "Most people believe that WNET would not make the same mistake again."
As I have suggested in my example, the US mass media fails to provide the public with the information to understand current events. Instead it systematically presents us with information that benefits it, its share-holders, and its advertisers. Increasing public funding to independent sources, and creating 100% public funded broadcasting is the only solution to informing citizens about political issues in our contemporary society. And is the only solution keeping the US a healthy democracy.
Drug Laws Make No Sense At All
Then I started to think about what the term freedom meant, I decided it was, to do something in according to one's will, values, morals. So then I thought what restricts that. I thought at first about what Jean-Jacques Roasseau has said about people restricting people, and how indirectly every action we make, is in some way (whether voluntarily or involunarily) influenced by societies current accepted norms and other relativistic values. (That was a long ass run-on sentence lol)
But then I realized who else was the perpetrator...the government. Well, the government takes away so many of our rights, it wouldn't be funny or necessary to count them all here...but I thought about drug laws for a second.
Why does the government outlaw drugs? There are many conspiracies that I could suggest, but the prevailing opinion, to me, was that drugs are outlawed because they are bad for you.
So because you do something that's bad for you, you get sent to jail. WTF? Seriously think about it...
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Sea of Life
Fashioning Flowers From Fancy
Today I wasted my whole day doing meaningless shit, over and over.
Although the definition of "meaningless" varies from person to person...
When I was a little kid I never thought I was going to grow old, I always assumed I was going to kill myself before then.
We always attach ourselves to the tranquility of peaceful, everyday life, yet I think - secretly - we wish the currents of our lives would ebb and flow for once.
I bleed onto this page, but I think it ran grey.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Fucking Irony
A Sad Story (Sorry for the Language)
Now personally I couldn't give two shits on whether or not this kid was popular or not, but my freinds starts fretting over it.
He was like, "Oh shit. Now people are gonna think I'm freinds with him. I have a fucking reputation to maintain."
I told him "Fucking deal with it. You care too much about what people think of you." - Which is funny because I'm pretty damn self-concious.
But anyway he deleted the shit off his Facebook wall... but it made me think. Were we always like this?
Did humans all ways act like such shit to each other? I mean he couldn't even pretend he was fucking freinds with this kid. That's fucking sad.
I Opened Up My Wallet and It was Full of Blood
Consumer Culture (Sorry for the Vulgar Language)
Friday, January 30, 2009 - Part 1
The Movie = Kairo
Song Lyrics = by The Kodan Armada
I was reading the imdb reviews for the movie Kairo, when I came across one reviewer desriving the movie as "a study of loneliness in modern society". When I saw the movie, it was in my opinion, that the director based transformed all of the loneliness of us, and people into these menacing ghosts.
But anyway, there'd be nothing lonelier in my opinion, than wishing to communicate to others, but being confined to the internet because of some phobia (agoraphobia?).
You can always talk to someone online, or write stupid blogs over the internet (*sigh...*) but I feel you never know a person til' you meet them face to face.
My brother tends to talk to people over the internet a lot, and he doesn't seem to have very many non-internet freinds - maybe I should ask him one day if he feels lonely.
I think they should study if extreme internet use has an effect on your personal health - or causes depression.
When I was in 8th grade we watched ann anti-bullying video. There was this kid that - wasn't very popular (not that, that matters) - but used the internet a lot. There were a bunch of girls in his class that would tell him, they "love him" over AIM and such, but when he got to school they would all laugh at him... He killed himself.
Er..... I think I've strayed to far off topic.... I'll continue this later.
Err.... I couldn't really come up with a blog name, so I chose "Short Walks Down Long Roads" - named after The Kodan Armada song.
It made me wonder what does it mean to take a Short Walk Down a Long Road.
So, scrolling through the internet I came across this image, entitled "A Long Walk Down a Short Road". I found it pretty cute, and such.
So if I judge the title of this blog in and according to the title of this picture, then taking a Short Walk Down a Long Road, would be to rush through life or not enjoy it - something to that accordance.
Do I enjoy life? Have I rushed through it? Did I waste my childhood? I don't know...